AI and CC the new challenges for our Centennial

Por AIPS América

24 de enero de 2024

Graphics by Nordcap Studio)

Gianni Merlo – AIPS President

LAUSANNE, January 23, 2024 – Our Centenary begins in a world shaken by tensions and massacres. It is not easy to find the necessary serenity to plan all the celebrations, but we must make our contri- bution to processes of detente. Our task is also to restore relationships as well as defend our freedom of thought and expression. In the same time we have to be mindful of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and CC (Content Creators).

THE PROGRAMME In this period we are working on the Awards and on a new project involving the Young Reporters, who will have to tell the world the story of the Olympics in their countries. It is an interesting job, because it shows us how the desire to provide correct and serious information is still great. The Centenary Congress is scheduled for 28 April to 2 May in Santa Susanna in Spain, a very special event this time, because we will have to tell our story and at the same time discuss the hottest current issues. It will be a special event with many guests and every day will feature content of high cultural level.

UNESCO Then on August 6th in Paris, the city that was the cradle and saw the birth of our association, a great celebration is planned at the headquarters of UNESCO. On that occasion, as well as remembering our beginnings, we will give special recognition to colleagues who have attended more than 10 Olympic Games in their careers, i.e. the new edition of Jour- nalists on the Podium.

AI Artificial Intelligence is a delicate topic, because opinions on the subject differ. Certainly technology helps, but in this case the help can turn into serious damage if not controlled and managed correctly. There are those who are afraid that algorithms could replace journalists and from a certain point of view they are not wrong, because there are many doubts.

THE COMPLAINT The New York Times denounced the “ma- chine” that uses its contents without consent. It was able to prove that AI responded with the same words as in one of its columns. But how do we report the fact that they took our years of work and entered it into the database without asking our permission and without even recognising remuneration. It’s easy to make money like this, using other people’s work without spending a cent and then whoever owns the “machine” becomes a billionaire. Such conduct is very close to a criminal offence.

THE FUTURE We are not against technological innovations, but they must be regulated with a code of ethics to prevent the journalistic world from becoming a jungle. The “machines” don’t care about freedom of thought; indeed they are perfect for taming it. And who holds the keys to these “machines”? As usual, whoever has more money and power. So let’s try to launch a constructive dialogue to avoid mistakes and difficult situations, because the world of sport is still healthy and it’s worth keeping it that way.

CC, THE NEW PROBLEM At the same time, there is a new trend: CC (Content Creator). The Content Creator is a figure with whom some would like to replace journalists and this is not acceptable, because there is the risk of contaminating the reports of events. The Content Creator works to promote federations, clubs or personalities, it is a public relations job and we are not against those who work, but we just want to avoid confusion of roles. In the mixed areas of the stadiums, a different space must be created for them, not to ghettoise them, but to allow colleagues to work in the best conditions, avoiding confusion and unnecessary waste of time.

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